"Good Night and Good Luck"
Final Post:
What Is the Transhistoric Relationship between the Press and the Government in a Society Aspiring to Democracy?
Ever since the creation of the printing press the government and the press have butted heads. Journalists seeking the truth to tell the american public what is actually going on in thier government.
So naturally the government does not like this. But never the less journalists persist. They fight and risk everything just so we the American people know the truth.

The movie " Good Night and Good Luck" is a perfect example of journalists keeping the government in check.
The movie is talking about how journalist, Edward R. Murrow uses a CBS program to call out individuals with the intent to bring down Senetor Joseph McCarthy.
While exposing the truth the two main characters face a lot of backlash and pressure from the people they are exposing and also thier news station, CBS.
I found this movie to be very intreging so I decided to look into it a bit more.
The title "Good Night, and Good Luck" actually originated in London. It was a popular phrase that people would say when they departed one another during the war. Who knew if they would see eachother again.
Murrow picked up this phrase and would end each of his shows this way. Evey time saying "Good Night and Good Luck."

So if this phrase first meant not seeing eachother again, perhaps Murrow thought that every show he did would or could be his last.
By telling the truth he was risking his life and his producers lives. They were willing to put thier lives at risk to inform the public of what was going on in the government.
That is what a journalist does.
Not many places in the world have a free press and I think as Americans we take ours for granteed.
But now with media and technology advancing as far as it has I think its hard to know what media is true and which one is fabricated. It is becoming harder and harder to find relyable unbiased news.
I personally thing that the media needs to go back to its old ways on just telling the information point blank. That is what journalists really do.
INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THE TRUTH. No bias involved. No political agenda behind this news. Nothing. Just simply telling the world what is going on, truthfully.
Without this simple thing our government would not be a democracy. Journalists are what keep the government telling the truth. They are the ones fact checking what the government is doing and watching over to see if they are doing something the people do not want them to be doing.
" Freedom of the press is not just important to our democracy, it is democracy"
I hope you sit and ponder the importance of Journalists and our freedom of press because without it would we really be a democracy? Would polititians tell us the truth with no fluff?
Well, Good Night and Good Luck.

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