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Yellow Journalism or Fake News?!?

Laura Plant

Also known as tablod trash and dishonest journalism yellow journalism first occured 1898. William Randel Hurst staged the resuce of a Cuban prisoner. He would later write a very entertaining and eye catching story of her resuce on yellow paper and thus the creation of yellow journalism.

Yellow Journalism is when a journalist exagerates or plagerizes a story inorder to sell more papers or make the story seem more interesting than it actually is.

Journalism is not the only place that we see "yellow journalism." It is also seen in some documentaries.

But what is sad is that this is still occuring today and is getting worse with the spread of social media.

Everyone is creating claims with out actually getting the facts behind what they are saying. We as a society all know that it is happen but it is a hard thing to not endorce.

This ignorence is continuing to happen because people are just assuming someone else has done the leg work and looked into the situation. We need to start fact checking before we speak or writing on facebook that this reporter is saying the absolute truth. Are they really? Or are they telling your there interpretation of the event?

One person that comes to mind is Nacy Grace. I mean come on, have you seen the women on TV?????

I personally think everything that she says can EASILY lead people a stray.

*If you do not feel this way I really encourage you to leave some comments below.*

But her reports on the Casey Anthony Case is just one example. Read what Nancy Grace said on National Television about the cases verdict.

“Tot Mom will be walking free!” Nancy Grace raged on her cable news program that afternoon. “The devil is dancing tonight.”

I mean surly you see the issues with this statement?!?

Nancy Grace just has a way of taking what people have said and turning them into more entertaining statements. I think that at first her heart was in the right place but once she realized that people gravitate towards this entertainment type TV she changed her tactics and focused more on her stats and views than the actualy hard evidence.


For a little recap of what I talked about, watch this video for some examples about the key points made:


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